Your trusted partner in Russia


We are a young, dynamically developing distributor of semiconductors and electronic components. We specialize in the integrated supply of electronic components, materials and equipment for manufacturing enterprises of the electronic industry. Our product portfolio includes semiconductors, interconnects, passives, and electromechanical components.

Large clients base

Well-established relations with the main enterprises of Russia and the CIS

Your official representative

We are ready to organize a representative office of your company in Russia.

Partner development

We offer solutions for the development of the market for your products.

High professionalism

Professional team. The area of expertise is semiconductor manufacturing, electronics, power systems and electrical engineering.

Obsolete products analogues

We propose to our partners to consider the possibility of distributing Russian-made electronic components and semiconductors, including analogs of the obsolete products of leading world manufacturers.


We are ready to carry out the development of electronics and microelectronics, primarily we specialize in the development of power systems. It is possible to develop microelectronic products to order. We are ready to offer software development according to your technical requirements.

Surplus from warehouses

We offer the sale of surplus electronic components from warehouses of Russian manufacturers.

Our contacts

Contacts for the suppliers